
Pit Lane Giveth and Pit Lane Taketh Away | Basement Brakes

We're BACK from our completely unannounced summer break!! With Foster's Birthday and Stephen getting sick, we had to take a couple of weeks off of recording but are back after a GREAT weekend in motorsport. This Episode of Basement Brakes we test a new format so we can bring even MORE motorsport talk your way. We start this podcast talking about Formula 1 and their race weekend in Silverstone. After that we get into INDYCAR which will be a new normal conversation on this podcast as we delve into talking about happenings across all things WHEEL. Be sure to tune in and leave some feedback for us!!!


OVALS in IOWA and the Festival of SPEED | Basement Brakes


JACE DENMARK from USF PRO 2000 JOINS The PODCAST!!! | Basement Brakes