(not that it matters)

Welcome to Basement Brakes, an electrifying new podcast covering everything racing related. We're Foster + Stephen, two lifelong friends who share a passion for fast cars. Our rediscovered love of cars and motorsport has led us to create a podcast that we hope to be as dynamic and entertaining as the races themselves.

With a friendship that spans over a decade, we’ve spent years watching content and finding our own niche within the car scene. Fast forward to today, and we've found ourselves as roommates now equally fiending over the next Grand Prix weekend.

Give us a listen as we dive into the highs and lows of each race, share our predictions, and address all the drama in between.

Basement Brakes boils down to two guys sharing a love for this motorsport. Our goal is to create an inclusive and inviting space for fans of all sorts. We encourage you to be a part of the conversation and share your thoughts with us on social media.

Follow us on social media for updates, behind-the-scenes content, and more: